By default, HaxeFlixel displays objects in a FlxGroup in the order they were added.

Objects added first will be drawn ‘behind’ objects added later.

This is driven by the members property.

However, if you change the order of the objects in members, this will change the order the objects are drawn.

This is best demonstrated by using sort to easily sort the objects in the group.

You can achieve simple effects just by sorting, such as a top-down, layered visual style where objects with a higher y value can appear ‘in front of’ objects with a lower y.

// sort the group by the `y` value of the objects

// or make your own sorting function (this one sort by `y+height`)
group.sort((Order, Obj1, Obj2) ->
   return FlxSort.byValues(Order, Obj1.y + Obj1.height, Obj2.y + Obj2.height);



import flixel.FlxG;
import flixel.FlxSprite;
import flixel.FlxState;
import flixel.tweens.FlxEase;
import flixel.tweens.FlxTween;
import flixel.util.FlxSort;

class PlayState extends FlxState
	var sortGroup:FlxTypedGroup<FlxSprite>;
	override function create()
		add(sortGroup = new FlxTypedGroup<FlxSprite>());
		var x:Float = 0;
		var y:Float = 0;
		while (y <= FlxG.height - 40)
			while (x <= FlxG.width - 40)
				addBox(x, y);
				x += 40;
			y += 40;
			x = 0;
		for (i in 0...4)
	private function addSprite(Pos:Int):Void
		var sprite:FlxSprite = sortGroup.add(new FlxSprite("assets/sprite.png"));
		FlxTween.circularMotion(sprite, (FlxG.width / 2)
			- (sprite.width / 2), (FlxG.height / 2)
			- (sprite.height / 2), (FlxG.width / 2)
			- 50
			- (Pos * 25),
			359, Pos % 2 == 0, 5, true, {
				type: FlxTweenType.LOOPING
	override function update(elapsed:Float):Void
		sortGroup.sort((Order, Obj1, Obj2) ->
			return FlxSort.byValues(Order, Obj1.y + Obj1.height, Obj2.y + Obj2.height);
	private function addBox(X:Float, Y:Float):Void
		sortGroup.add(new FlxSprite(X, Y, "assets/wall.png"));