There are many ways to implement a jumping mechanic, but the simplest method is to add negative y velocity temporarily to a FlxObject with positive y acceleration, using some kind of timer to limit the jump time.

FlxG.collide(box, sprite);

var jumpPressed:Bool = pad.buttonA.pressed;

if (jumping && !jumpPressed)
	jumping = false;

 * Reset jumpTimer when touching the floor
 * Note: This sprite's touching flags are set via FlxG.collide,
 * and are reset to false on super.update
if (sprite.isTouching(DOWN) && !jumping)
	jumpTimer = 0;

if (jumpTimer >= 0 && jumpPressed)
	jumping = true;
	jumpTimer += elapsed;
	jumpTimer = -1;

// hold button to jump higher (up to 0.25s)
if (jumpTimer > 0 && jumpTimer < 0.25)
	sprite.velocity.y = -300;



import flixel.FlxG;
import flixel.FlxSprite;
import flixel.FlxState;
import flixel.ui.FlxVirtualPad;

class PlayState extends FlxState
	var sprite:FlxSprite;
	var box:FlxSprite;
	var pad:FlxVirtualPad;

	var jumpTimer:Float = 0;
	var jumping:Bool = false;

	override public function create()
		bgColor = 0;


		sprite = new FlxSprite("assets/sprite.png");
		sprite.x = FlxG.width / 2 - sprite.width / 2;
		sprite.acceleration.y = 900;
		sprite.maxVelocity.y = 300;

		box = new FlxSprite("assets/bigbox.png");
		box.x = FlxG.width / 2 - box.width / 2;
		box.y = FlxG.height * 0.75 - box.height / 2;
		box.immovable = true;

		pad = new FlxVirtualPad(FlxDPadMode.NONE, FlxActionMode.A);

	override public function update(elapsed:Float)

		FlxG.collide(box, sprite);

		var jumpPressed:Bool = pad.buttonA.pressed;

		if (jumping && !jumpPressed)
			jumping = false;

		 * Reset jumpTimer when touching the floor
		 * Note: This sprite's touching flags are set via FlxG.collide,
		 * and are reset to false on super.update
		if (sprite.isTouching(DOWN) && !jumping)
			jumpTimer = 0;

		if (jumpTimer >= 0 && jumpPressed)
			jumping = true;
			jumpTimer += elapsed;
			jumpTimer = -1;

		// hold button to jump higher (up to 0.25s)
		if (jumpTimer > 0 && jumpTimer < 0.25)
			sprite.velocity.y = -300;