FlxG.overlap() not only works between 2 FlxObjects, but you can also pass in a FlxGroup to either arg.

FlxG.overlap() will still return whether it detected any overlap between the groups, but it is usually wise to use a notifyCallback to handle each specific overlap.


FlxG.overlap() uses quadtrees on groups to greatly reduce the number of comparisons between objects, meaning that a single call with 2 groups can perform immensely better than checking whether each pair of objects overlaps, individually.

function handleCollision(objA:FlxObject, objB:FlxObject)
    trace('overlap between a: $objA and b:$objB');

// check if any objects in groupA overlap any objects in groupB
FlxG.overlap(groupA, groupB, handleCollision);
// check if the player overlaps anything in groupB
FlxG.overlap(player, groupB, handleCollision);
// Check if any objects in groupA overlap each other
FlxG.overlap(groupA, groupA, handleCollision);



import flixel.FlxG;
import flixel.FlxSprite;
import flixel.FlxState;
import flixel.group.FlxGroup;

class PlayState extends FlxState
	var circles:FlxTypedGroup<FlxSprite>;
	var boxes:FlxTypedGroup<FlxSprite>;
	override function create()
		// make a 5x5 grid of boxes
		boxes = new FlxTypedGroup();
		for (x in 0...5)
			for (y in 0...5)
				final box = new FlxSprite("assets/bigbox.png");
				box.x += (x - 2) * (box.width + 20);
				box.y += (y - 2) * (box.height + 10);
		// make 3 circles in the center and send them in different directions
		circles = new FlxTypedGroup();
		final numCircles = 3;
		for (i in 0...numCircles)
			final circle = new FlxSprite("assets/sprite.png");
			circle.velocity.setPolarDegrees(100, 15 + (360 * i / numCircles));
	override function update(elapsed:Float)
		for (circle in circles)
			// change direction when touching the edge of the screen
			if ((circle.velocity.x > 0 && circle.x >= FlxG.width - circle.width) || (circle.velocity.x < 0 && circle.x <= 0))
				circle.velocity.x *= -1;
			if ((circle.velocity.y > 0 && circle.y >= FlxG.height - circle.height) || (circle.velocity.y < 0 && circle.y <= 0))
				circle.velocity.y *= -1;
		// set all boxes' alphas to 1.0
		for (i => box in boxes)
			box.alpha = 1.0;
		// if any boxes overlap circles, set their alpha to 0.5 via the callback
		FlxG.overlap(circles, boxes, function(circle:FlxSprite, box:FlxSprite)
			box.alpha = 0.5;